Category:Athian Writings
Name | Description |
Dilys Goldenvoice: Part One | "Once upon a time, a girl named Dilys lived in a little village. She was an awkward and clumsy girl, and the villagers mocked and shunned her for it. But little did they know that Dilys had a gift. She could sing. Sweet as honey, and intoxicating as mead--her voice had the power to entrance any who heard it. And so it came to pass that a great contest was held in Junoon. And Dilys traveled to the contest. And Dilys won! She was happy as could be, and the people of the village welcomed her as they had never done before. But the village headman's daughter was a jealous girl, and she could not stand to see the former outcast so adored. She drove the poor girl from her home and banished her." |
Dilys Goldenvoice: Part Two | "With no home to return to, and nowhere in the world to go to, Dilys set to wandering. Uphill and down dale she roamed, until one day she found herself by the edge of a Fount of Blessing. The tales among her people told that one might offer up something of great value at such a place, and in return receive one's heart's desire. She knelt to pray. And this is what she said: 'I offer up my voice. And in return I ask only that my pain be ended.' and the spirits of the Fount heard her prayer. And they answered. Dilys Rose into the sky above, transformed into a beautiful bird. Off she flew, free at last, far away and over the horizon. And her song has floated ceaselessly across the waters of the Fount ever since." |
Meowsipurr's Apprentice: Part Three | "There once lived a man of far-flung Praenost who came upon a certain cat. This certain cat was no ordinary cat—indeed, if it's words were to believe, it was no less than the ramiliar of a powerful Tanta. With its snow-white for arranged just so, it turned to the man and said: "Give thyself unto cat-kind, good sir. Devote thyself to the service of thy betailed brothers and sisters. Do so, and great good fortune shall be faulty, or may my mistress the Tanta be branded a liar—for those were her very own words." the man did just as the cat bait him, and from that day forth, performed no act that was not for the sake of his little furred friends." |
Meowsipurr's Apprentice: Part Three | "The man stared solemnly at the demon—for that was what he knew it to be, with its bat-black wings sprouting from snow-white fur. Solemnly he stared, and cried... 'Awww, just look at you! Aren't you adorable? I could just snuggle and stroke you forever and ever!' 'Wh-what!?' the cat replied. 'I'm the demon who stole your soul! G-get your hands off me!' and the two live together happily ever after. ...Well, one of them, at least." |
Meowsipurr's Apprentice: Part Two | "The man had given himself completely to cat-kind, and could not have been happier. He wished only that he might see out the rest of his days in blissful servitude. And then, one day his friend the familiar back into the very edge of a volcano, and spoke these faithful words: "Foolish human. Thou has given thy soul to me entirely! And now it shall be mine forevermore!" So saying, the pure-white creature sprouted great black wings the cat was not a cat at all, but a devil!" |
Tales of the Tantas: The Great Stones | "Long, long ago, the Tantas built spiers of stone all across Athia.
The Tantas' power was so great that no sooner had they decided to build them, than the spiers appeared all over the land. 'One day, these spires—these monuments—shall save our beloved Athia,' said one of the Tantas, with great anticipation in her eyes..." |
Tales of the Tantas: The Wellspring | "Long, long ago, the Tantas created the land of Athia. As Athia's population group, the Tantas created Realms, and castles, and all manner of other wonders to make their people's lives happy and bright. Their work done, they retired to a Wellspring where in all things are reborn, and settle down for a well-earned rest." |
Tales of the Tantas: Their Great Work | "The Tantas worked long and hard to make Athia a place where all the Realms could be peaceful, and all the people could live happily.
But their work was so very hard and so very important that they were unable to have families of their own, as we humans are lucky enough to be able to do. Which just goes to show how much they love us, and how seriously they take their work." |
Tales of the Tantas: Their Souls | "Even Tantas die, sad though it may seem.
And when they do, their souls Drift Off to a very special place where they can watch over Athia, and see that their people are happy and safe forever and ever. Thanks to them, Athia is and always will be a place of peace and prosperity." |
The Fleeting Dream of Contentment: Volume One | "Even forbidden passion, through the Alchemy of self-sacrifice, may become true love in time. The woman with the power beyond that of man was alone. And from this great solitude came great wisdom. The man, foolish and rash, allowed himself to be consumed with passion for her nonetheless. He would do anything for her, he said. Would give anything. Even his life. But the woman with the power beyond that of man refused him. That was not what she wanted, she said." |
The Fleeting Dream of Contentment: Volume Three | "'My power is beyond that of man. My time in this world infinitely longer. To give myself to one whose life lasts but the blink of an eye would bring only pain' what the woman had really wanted was for the man to find love among his own kind. And whatever she fell for him in that moment—be it passion, or love, or something in between—she resolved never again to feel it. And never again did the woman with the power beyond that of man permit another to enter her heart." |
The Fleeting Dream of Contentment: Volume Two | "'Then what do you want?' the man begged. The woman with the power beyond that of man only smiled. The man had offered everything, and had been met only with denial and dissembling. He grew angry. He grew sad. He grew desperate. And then, in time, he grew to accept his feet. The woman with the power beyond that of man could not forbid him from dreaming of her. So he closed his eyes and settled down to dream the endless Dream. And the woman with the power beyond that of man knelt down beside him and whispered: 'Do you not understand, even now?'" |
The Two Little Shepherds: Part One | "Visoria is a land of shepherds. And shepherds' fortunes are made from the selling of sheep. 'We have a few too many, don't you think?' said one brother to another. 'That I do,' his brother replied. And so they set out to Market. But with so many sheep to Wrangle, the going soon became painfully slow. 'It'll take forever this way,' said one brother to another. And having Ponder the problem for a little while, the other replied, 'Then we shall split the flock in two.'" |
The Two Little Shepherds: Part Two | " 'I'll take half the sheep to Junoon, you take the other half to Avoalet.' Having reached their decision, the boys laughed happily, pleased with their shrewdness. But weeks later, when both returned home to Visoria, their laughs had been replaced by bitter smiles. Without both brothers there to watch over them, a great number of the sheep had run free. The boys learned a valuable lesson that day." |
The Warboats: Part One | "To be a fisherman is to rise before the rest of the world has even begun to stir. One morning, bright and early, a young boy set out in his little boat, and just as he did every other morning, cast out his nets as the dawn sun dappled the waves. But this morning was not like any other. He looked up to the horizon, and what did he see? Warboats. More than he could count. Warboats the like of which he had never seen. Overcome with terror, he tugged the tiller sharply, and set a hasty course for shore." |
The Warboats: Part Two | "The boy's boat sailed swift and true, outpacing the war boats behind him. And no sooner had he made land then he began to run. The last thing he remembered was telling one of the soldiers at the nearby Fort of...something. But suddenly he did not remember why he had been in such a hurry. Perhaps he had been frightened—but of what? All after that point was a haze. That same boy still sits out every morning to fish. And the war is long since past." |
Pages in category "Athian Writings"
The following 16 pages are in this category, out of 16 total.
- Tales of the Tantas: The Great Stones
- Tales of the Tantas: The Wellspring
- Tales of the Tantas: Their Great Work
- Tales of the Tantas: Their Souls
- The Fleeting Dream of Contentment: Volume One
- The Fleeting Dream of Contentment: Volume Three
- The Fleeting Dream of Contentment: Volume Two
- The Two Little Shepherds: Part One
- The Two Little Shepherds: Part Two
- The Warboats: Part One
- The Warboats: Part Two